Essential Free Internet Terms

Free internet has become popular here in S.A that's good and all but people still don't know the terms and general knowledge of this thing called "Free internet" and often refer to people who make tricks as Hackers this is politically incorrect free internet tweaking and hacking are two different things so in this post I will share some terms to correct these mistakes People who make tricks are called "Free Internet Tricksters" but their are also different ranks as to keep the pros from being mistaken or put in the same group as the newbies these are three ranks namely: FreeNet Tweaker (Beginner) - "Someone who knows the very basics of free internet tricks and are able to at least make basic tricks usually those 100-200mb tricks they are called tweakers because that's what they do they play around with the VPN handlers settings trying out different proxies hoping to find one that works not really knowing what they are doing but have some basi...